Reverb 10 – part 1

One word
2010 in one word: Honesty. I have tried hard to be honest to myself, and to my family and friends. I’m still trying and I’m getting better and better at it. Next year I hope to describe 2011 with the word balance.

I spend too much time browsing online news instead of writing or working on other projects. I relish the time I spend plowing through my feedreader, on twitter and even on facebook – I seem to have found the way to use it as inspiration, not a waste of time. But news-sites, clicking update, checking the same news on different sites. It has to stop!

Walking with my daughter in Sokcho. First we hit the beach (this was a cool, sunny day in November) to get some fresh air and sun. We walked past gardens and houses, gardens with lots of vegetables, drying chilli peppers, mountains of cabbage for kimchi-making and drying octupus hanging on the roofs. Past the harbour with its little ferry, into the fish market, all while we talked and took pictures and talked some more. I felt very much alive!

I try to appreciate all good things. The wonder of snow in Copenhagen this winter! A bicycle ride along Strandvejen and Øresund. Teaching young Ada to swim. Making new friends. Learning new stuff.

Let Go
It’s a habit of mine to let things go. I regularly carry stuff to the local charity second hand-store, I don’t buy books but use the library, I try not to spend time with people that make me unhappy or grumpy, I only follow 140 tweeps and ‘hide’ a lot of my facebook-‘friends’. Maybe I’m better at filtering than letting go?

A crocheted blanket, knitted scarves, hats, shawls, sweaters. This I do because I love to craft. I make websites for a living and I want to make my dreams come true.

In 2010 I was part of the community that initiated the first Copenhagen Geek Girl Meetup. It was grand! As I’m writing we’re planning the first 2011 event and it feels good.

If you want to be part of Reverb 10, please do!

Reverb 10 (#reverb10) is now an annual event, an inspired response to (and evolution of) #best09. It’s an open online initiative that encourages participants to reflect on this year and manifest what’s next. It’s an opportunity to retreat and consider the reverberations of your year past, and those that you’d like to create in the year ahead. We’re connected by the belief that sharing our stories has the power to change us. We look forward to reading yours.